I'm Pascal, a full-stack developer 👨‍💻 self-hosting enthusiast 🚀 and home-automation tinkerer 🤓 living in Karlsruhe 🇩🇪

About me

I got into programming basic Windows Batch scripts in my early teens and remember feeling thrilled when I created my first number guessing game. Wanting to develop something more advanced, I followed tutorials coding a simple side-scrolling jump'n'run game with Java 2D graphics. However, I quickly realized that software-rendered graphics are too slow and therefore I learned some OpenGL and C++. Unfortunately, that project never was finished (you know how it is 😉).

During my last year of school, I worked for a small company called SP Consulting and re-designed and their website, which really got me into web development.

Between school and university, I started a project with 3 of my friends which unfortunately ultimately failed. However, I've learned much from the project, including backend programming in Go, database management and containerization with Docker.

After school, I enrolled in a cooperative study program to get my bachelor's in computer science. While studying at DHBW Karlsruhe, I worked in multiple departments within SAP, both as a frontend developer as well as a backend developer. Since I finished my bachelor's degree in 2020, I'm now a full-time employee at SAP, mostly working on backend services in Go and Kotlin.


Want to get in touch?

Write me an email or DM me on Twitter